Tuesday 21 April 2009


What is a recessionista I hear you ask? 

My answer is this: A recessionista is somebody who, with a limited budget, still manages to be fashionable, unique and have fun with their clothes. 

I would, given the current economic climate, suggest that EVERYONE start becoming more of a recessionista. Unless you have the budget of J-Lo then you have probably had to hold back with the credit cards in these recent months - I know that I certainly have been cutting back. 

There are a few steps that really make you a recessionista in my eyes - and I truly have been following them to the letter in recent months...

This is the first...

a) You need to really sort through your wardrobes. A certain Gok Wan is known for saying that we should all "shop less and wear more" - this is the right idea but before you can begin cutting down on your shopping habit you need to learn the art of 'organization'

Scott and I recently sorted out our wardrobes, although mass-annihilation would probably be a more appropriate term for what we did. Sticking by the rule of 'If you haven't worn it in the past year then chuck it" we managed to whittle down three wardrobes and six drawers worth of clothes into one wardrobe and three drawers - a fact that I am very proud of. Im sure that we could have even got rid of more of our things If i hadn't had such a soft spot for lingerie and Scott for t-shirts! 

The local charity shop was certainly lucky - with our TWELVE bin-bags full of donated goods, and shamefully to say, many of which were unworn!

b) Once you are left with only those items you wear organize them into sections - this can be via usage (i.e Sportswear, Underwear) or by Colour or any other categorization method that suits you...

Our wardrobe now goes a little something like this: 

Drawer One - Alex's Underwear 
Drawer Two - Scott' Underwear
Drawer Three - Socks/Tights/Gloves

Sportswear - including swimwear
Workwear - Shirts, Trousers, Smart skirts (pencil skirts etc)
Casual Wear - Jeans, t-shirts, vests, skirts (denim etc), dresses etc
Evening Wear - Dresses, suits, ties etc
Seasonal Wear - All of our winter jumpers etc have been boxed up and put in the base of the wardrobe until the weather turns again.

The idea was that by organizing our things into sections we could clearly see what we were lacking, or conversely, inundated with. In our case it's a mixture of casual clothes, particularly t-shirts, and evening wear (for something we rarely wear we have way too much of the stuff!).

c) Really think about what you are buying. Ok so you have cleared out your wardrobe - what you don't want to then do is use up all that new space by filling it with more useless clothes! When shopping stop and think about what you are buying - ask yourself some important questions:

Do I really need this item?
What will I wear it with?
Where will I wear it?
Is it worth the price on a cost-per-wear basis?

If you hesitate to find answers to any of these questions then step away from the unecessary purchase and put the money into a savings account instead! Think about it this way: 

2 Dresses at £60.00 each from Topshop
Pair of knee-high boots from River Island at £80.00
Three bags at £8.00 each from Primark
Set of Underwear at £30 from Ann Summers 
Two t-shirts at £15 each from H&M
Makeup from Boots at £30 

This all comes into a shockingly high £314 - for that you could have really treated yourself to a pair of luxury Christian Laboutins. A divine pair of shoes that would last ten times longer than those River Island Boots, Won't be out of fashion in a couple of weeks and so much more satisfactory - A couple of years of budgeting like this and you could have a wardrobe filled with beautiful, designer, heirloom pieces to treasure forever! 

A Costa Rican Wedding?

So... If Scott has his way we will actually be getting married on the beautiful south american island of Costa Rica. Most likely somewhere like the Villa Caletas in Jaco *see picture* with views across the mountains, the rainforest and it's own private beach! It is truly stunning and the sort of country that really is 'us' but we are having a few problems - namely the fact that some of the people we really want there on the day (Scott's mum and a few others) would have problems affording the price of flights out there, not to mention their spending money! 

As you can imagine its a bit of a dilemna - in an ideal world we would have enough money to pay for everyone to get out there but this isnt an ideal world - particularly when it's just Scott working at the moment!


Scott's Birthday

Had a really lovely weekend - didn't do any wedding planning though :-S!
It was my darling Scott's birthday on Friday and so we had a nice lie-in, went shopping for a few bits and pieces (And new shoes for me!!!) 

I'll be pairing them with black straight jeans (just like i pair everything) and an oversized shirt (probably the birthday boy's!).

The rest of the weekend we spent relaxing, reading, cooking together and listening to music. Although I did fit in a few hours to help my little brother with his egyptian project - I think I enjoyed making the barbie-doll mummy and the sarcophagus more than he did! 

Scott is back at work now though :-( So i'm all alone until very late tonight - completely unfair but someone has to earn the money to pay for our wedding day!


Tuesday 14 April 2009

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - John Boyne

'Pavel is not a doctor anymore Bruno,' said Maria quietly, 'But he was. In another life. Before he came here'.

I've always had a keen interest in the history of the Second World War - particularly in the understanding of the holocaust so when I came across this small book in Borders I made sure I picked it up. The book is about a young boy called Bruno, the son of a nazi commandant, who is moved to Auschwitz Concentration Camp and who makes friends with a boy 'on the other side of the fence'. It is a beautifully written story - and John Boyne has clearly researched his ideas carefully - including many seemingly small details that can be picked up by anybody who has read about the horrific history of the Nazi Occupation and the Holocaust. 

It's quite a deep book and very moving. I would recommend it to anybody - not just those interested in history, but also to anybody interested in the world and the people in it. 


Thursday 9 April 2009


"When you realise that you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible" - Nora Ephron 'When Hally Met Sally'

Heya! Im back from a fabulous trip to Birmingham to see some of our close friends and their beautiful little daughter Maria! And how happy am I right now to say that me and Scott have just become godparents! 

We had a really good time in Birmingham - doing a little shopping at the Bullring, going on long walks and visiting the parks and farms with our gorgeous god-daughter :-). By the way Maria loves the horses and adores Scott (we couldn't get her away from him!) It was so sweet and the perfect way to bring in the Spring months!
