Many parents delay the start of weaning until their baby is at least six months old - however this tends to be because of the fact that the processed jars of food tend to be aged at 6+ months. Most doctors, health advisors and nutritionists agree that a baby is able to be weaned from the age of four months.
During the first year of a baby's life most of the nutrition that they receive will be gained from their breast or formula milk intake - so as long as they are still receiving the right amounts of milk the baby loses no nutrition from being weaned at four months than they would later on. According to Annabel Karmel, a leading child nutritionist, it isn't a good idea to delay introducing solids any later than six months as a baby needs to learn to chew and swallow food. Also chewing encourages the development of muscles that are essential for speech.
From four months the types of foods that are suitable for a baby are:
baby rice mixed with breast or formula milk, avocado, bananas, cooked apple and pear, parsnip, potato, carrot, squash and sweet potato.
Image: babyccinoblog.com
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