This bedroom isn't really me and Scott but it is a beautiful room - and for some reason really reminds me of a friend of mine, Anna and her boyfriend Glenn. They are such a fun couple and the colours in this room make me smile - just like they do. Not sure Anna would be feeling the butterflies though!

Aren't these room ideas beautiful? I found them whilst having a quick search on Ideal Home Magazine website. The top one would be a really beautiful home office - feminine but chic and the wallpaper and matching noticeboards make a really cute room amazing!
Hasn't every girl always wanted a dressing table? I know I have - unfortunately no bedroom I have ever had has had enough room to put one in! The mirrors on the wall are lovely - probably not the most practical place to have them but pretty all the same! I love whitewashed wood furniture but I do prefer a more distressed look. Maybe when Scott and me get our proper place we will be able to have one :-) - if I'm especially lucky I might be able to get an old one from a charity shop or furniture yard and do it up myself *can see a DIY project coming on*
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